Block: EntityTable

The EntityTable block is used to display a table of entities, where each row represents one entity.


Name Type Required Description
kind "EntityTable" Yes
columns Dictionary<string, EntityTableColumn> Yes
subscribe List<TableEntityDataStoreSubscribe> No



Name Type Required Description
kind "Text" Yes
label string Yes
flexWidth FlexWidthConfig No An object for configuring the width of a column that can vary flexibly relative to the other columns in the table.


Name Type Required Description
kind "DeleteButton" Yes
label string Yes
prompt string Yes
confirm string No
cancel string No
flexWidth FlexWidthConfig No An object for configuring the width of a column that can vary flexibly relative to the other columns in the table.


Name Type Required Description
kind "Button" Yes
label string Yes
routerLink string Yes
icon MaterialIcon Yes
flexWidth FlexWidthConfig No An object for configuring the width of a column that can vary flexibly relative to the other columns in the table.


Name Type Required Description
kind "MaterialIcon" Yes
name string Yes Icons can be found at


Name Type Required Description
width string No A string defining the ideal width of the column.
The width can be specified in pixels (e.g. 30px) or as a percentage (e.g. 20%).
If the column width is set to zero (e.g. 0px), then the column width is unconstrained.
shrink number No An float defining the factor by which a column width may shrink relative to other columns.
If the sum of the widths of all columns is larger than the container width, then column widths will shrink according to shrink factor.
The default is 1.
grow number No An float defining the factor by which a column width may grow relative to other columns.
If the sum of the widths of all columns is smaller than the container width, then column widths will grow according to grow factor.
The default is 1.


Name Type Required Description
kind "EntityDataStore" Yes
frame string Yes
source string Yes