
The layout objects are used to define a layout for a Frame.


Define a layout


Name Type Required Description
kind "ColumnLayout" Yes Place content areas in a horizontal array
widths List<string> Yes The width sizes of the columns
widthGap string No
areas List<string> Yes The content names to place in the columns of the layout


Name Type Required Description
kind "RowLayout" Yes Place content areas in a vertical array
heights List<string> Yes The heights of the rows
heightGap string No
areas List<string> Yes The content names to place in the rows of the layout


Name Type Required Description
kind "GridLayout" Yes Place content areas in a grid consisting of rows and columns
heights List<string> Yes The heights of the rows in the grid
areas List<List<string» Yes The contents placed in a 2d grid, each array represents a row
widths List<string> Yes The widths of the columns in the grid
widthGap string No
heightGap string No
overlayAreas List<List<string» No The contents placed in a overlaying 2d grid. The areas and overlay areas need to have the same structure of columns and rows