Block: PopupOutlet

The PopupOutlet block is used to create a popup into which a frame can be inserted.


An object for configuring a popup outlet. A popup outlet can contain a frame containing the following kinds of blocks: ControlPanel, Button, Image, and Legend.

Name Type Required Description
kind "PopupOutlet" Yes
frame string Yes A string specifying the name of the frame to be inserted into the popup outlet.
subscribe List<PopupOutletSubscription> No A list of objects for subscribing this popup outlet to other blocks.



Subscribe PopupOutlet to Button: An object for configuring a subscription from a popup outlet to a button. When the button is clicked, the popup either opens or closes.

Name Type Required Description
kind "Button" Yes A constant, Button.
frame string Yes A string specifying the name of the frame.
source string Yes A string specifying the name of the button.
action "open" | "close" Yes A constant specifying the action to be performed.


Subscribe PopupOutlet to ControlPanel: An object for configuring a subscription from a popup outlet to a button in a control panel. When a button in the control panel is clicked, the popup either opens or closes.

Name Type Required Description
kind "ControlPanel" Yes A constant, ControlPanel.
frame string Yes A string specifying the name of the frame.
source string Yes A string specifying the name of the control panel.
button string No A sting specifying the name of a button in the control panel. This can be a Button or a SubmitButton.
action "open" | "close" Yes A constant specifying the action to be performed.

Subscribe PopupOutlet to NavPanel: An object for configuring a subscription from a popup outlet to an item in a navigation panel. When the item in the navigation panel is clicked, the popup will open.

Name Type Required Description
kind "NavPanel" Yes A constant, NavPanel.
frame string Yes A string specifying the name of the frame.
source string Yes A string specifying the name of the navigation panel.
name string Yes A string specifying the name of a navigation item in the navigation panel.
The can be a NavButton, NavIcon, or a NavNumber and must have a name property.
action "open" | "close" Yes A constant specifying the action to be performed.