ggRhinoIFC Rhino Grasshopper plugin
- ggRhinoIFC Version: 1.7.57
- ggRhinoIFC on Food4Rhino
The GeometryGym ggRhinoIFC plugin enables IFC (Industry Foundation Class) models to be generated and exchanged to ArchiCAD, Revit, Bently, Tekla and any other BIM software with IFC capability.
Install the supported version via Rhino Package Manager.
As described in the documentation at the plugin normally uses files from your local drive to check for an active license from Geometry Gym. The model that solves on Packhunt does not have access to your local files, so you need to save information about your license in the Rhino Grasshopper file itself.
To sign a Rhino Grasshopper file with your Geometry Gym license you need to place the “ggIFC SignDocument” component on the canvas and run it. Before saving the file ensure that a “Valid Signature” text is displayed below the component, like in the image below.

The Geometry Gym (GG) plugin works slightly differently on the Packhunt platform than in Rhino Grasshopper. The GG plugin doesn’t follow the traditional pattern where all dependent components are upstream of an output component. Instead, the “ggIFC Stream” component is responsible for handling complex relations between components.
If you want to create an IFC, you need to take an extra step to make sure your GG components work as expected. You must connect the “ggIFC Stream” component in such a way that it solves last. This can be done with the flattening
and list length
components as shown in the image below.

Setting up your model as shown in the image is necessary if you want to create an IFC. In the case of deconstructing IFC, no extra actions are needed, because decomposing components have wiring dependency.
The modification components that do not have outputs can’t be used on Packhunt due to the reasons already described.