Data types

A list of data types you can use with the Packhunt Workbench.

Blocks can store, use and transfer data. The data value can be of various types includingNumber, String, Boolean, List and Dictionary. When defining, receiving and sending data, the underlying data type must match for successful results.

See the table below for explanation on valid data types.

Data type Definition Example
Number Quantitative values which can be negative or positive and integers or floats. Empty value is null. 1000
String Combination of characters, digits, or symbols, always treated as text. Empty value is “” or null. “abc"
Boolean True or false values, which can be represented by 1s and 0s. Empty value is null. true (1)
List List of values that all have the same type. Empty value is [] or null. See the examples below.
Dictionary Collection of items in key-value pairs. Empty value is {} or null. See the examples below.

Lists are configured like the example below.

  key1: [value1, value2]
  # or
    - value1
    - value2
  # or
  - key1: value1
    key2: value2
  - key1: value1
    key2: value2

See the configuration example for Packhunt configuration language below.

  areas: #list
	[block1, block2]
  # or
  areas: #list
    - block1
    - block2
  # or
  subscribe: #list
    - kind: ControlPanel
      frame: my-frame
      source: my-controlpanel
    - kind: EntityDataStore
      frame: my-frame
      source: my-entity-data-store

Dictionaries are configured like the examples below.

  key1: value1
  key2: value2
  # or
    key1: value1
    key2: value2

See the configuration examples for Packhunt configuration language below.

  assignMaterials: #dictionary 
	box-geometry: blue-material
	sphere-geometry: red-material
  properties: #dictionary 
      type: Number
      default: null
      nullable: true
      type: Number
      default: null
      nullable: true

Undefined and empty values

Value Definition
undefined The value of the property isn’t set yet. The desired action (e.g. Model solve or Insert entity) may not take place as a consequence. It’s not possible for a user to set a value to undefined.
null The value of the property is (intentionally) assigned no value. Is only a valid value depending on the property settings. Can be set by the user.
"" The value of the property is of type String with zero characters. Can be set by the user.
[] The value of the property is of type List with zero items. Can be set by the user.
{} The value of the property is of type Dictionary with zero key-value pairs. Can be set by the user.