How to add bar charts

A how-to guide for adding bar charts to your solution


Would you like to display and compare calculation results visually? Then add a bar chart to your solution by following these steps.


  • You configured the frames and routes for your solution.
  • You configured the relevant contents such as the model(s), viewer(s) and datastore.
  • You have a Rhino Grasshopper definition using the Packhunt input components.

1. Add a chart

  • Add a block with kind: Chart.
  • To define how it looks, configure its settings.
    • Define the type of the chart kind: BarChart .
    • Set mode to Comparative.
  • Define the tags for the vertical and horizontal axis with xAxisLabel and yAxisLabel .

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

  kind: Chart
    kind: BarChart
    mode: Comparative
    xAxisLabel: Surfaces
    yAxisLabel: Area (m2)

2. Output chart properties as JSON in Grasshopper

To define the colours, domain and the values of the bar chart, compile a JSON in Grasshopper. To create the JSON, you can use the Packhunt JSON components.

You can created a simple barchart or a grouped bar chart by using single or multiple series respectively.

Single series

To show one column per tag, single series can be used.

  • Compile chart data by defining:
    • id needs to be a unique number or string
    • tag defines the label shown below the column bar
    • value defines the height of the column bar
    • series defines the group for the column bar, this value is used for assigning colours to the columns afterwards. For a simple bar chart, there is only one series.
  • Compile chart colours by defining which series has that colour and the RGB value of the colour following the “my serie” : “rgb(my-r,my-g,my-b)” format.
    For assigning colours to a single series, the chart colours output would look like the image below
  • Define the range of values on the vertical axis by outputting the domain.

See the image below as an example for single series barchart.

Multiple series

To show multiple columns for the same tag, multiple series can be used.

  • Compile chart data by defining:

    • id needs to be a unique number or string
    • tag defines the label shown below the column groups.
    • value defines the height of the column bar
    • series defines the columns in the group, this value is used for assigning colors to the columns afterwards. For a grouped bar chart, series repeat with each tag.

    For example to show the wall and window area on different facades the JSON output would look like the image below.

  • Compile chart colours by defining which series has that colour and the RGB value of the colour following the “my serie” : “rgb(my-r,my-g,my-b)” format. For assigning colours to multiple series, the chart colours output should look like the image below.

  • Define the range of values on the vertical axis by outputting the domain.

  • See the image below as an example for multiple series barchart.

3. Subscribe the chart to the model

To retrieve the chart properties from the model,

  • Subscribe the chart to the model.
  • Define the frame and source.
  • Set the action to SetChartProps .
    • Define the Grasshopper output to use as chartData .
    • Define the Grasshopper output to use as chartColors .
    • Define the Grasshopper output to use as chartColors .
    • Define the chartDomains with the name of the Grasshopper data output component’s name and the value .
  kind: Chart
    kind: BarChart
    mode: Comparative
    xAxisLabel: Surfaces
    yAxisLabel: Area (m2)
      - kind: Model
        frame: home-frame
        source: my-model
        action: SetChartProps
        chartColors: chart-colors
        chartData: chart-data
          chart-domain1: value

Next Steps

To add a legend for the bar chart colours, see the how to add a legend guide.


See the chart configuration docs for more information.