How to store inputs

A how-to guide for storing configuration inputs.


Would you like to save your inputs? Then save configuration values in an entity data store by following these steps.


  • You configured the frames and routes for your solution.
  • You configured the relevant contents such as the control panel(s), model(s), viewer(s) and data store.

1. Add an entity data store

In order to store multiple entities, you can configure an EntityDataStore . Each entity has a set of properties with values.

  • Add an entity data store block with kind: EntityDataStore.
  • Define the properties each entity contains. The properties can be of type Number for quantitative values or String for textual values.

💡 The EntityDataStore can store entities locally during one session or persist data across sessions. To store and load data after the initial session ends, you can use the persistToStore property.

💡 If data is persistent, the data in the entity data store will be visible to every user who has access to the solution.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

    kind: EntityDataStore
    persistToStore: my-store-name # Optional
        type: Number
        type: Number
        type: String

2. Subscribe entity data store to the control panel

To save the ControlPanel values to an entity in the EntityDataStore:

  • Subscribe the EntityDataStore to the ControlPanel.
  • Define the frame and source.
  • Set the action to be performed.
    • update for editing the values of an existing entity.
    • insert for adding a new entity with the defined values.

💡 The keys defined under properties should match the control names set in the ControlPanel configuration.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

    kind: EntityDataStore
    persistToStore: my-store-name # Optional
        type: Number
        type: Number
        type: String
      - kind: ControlPanel
        frame: main-frame
        source: my-control-panel
        action: Insert

If there are 2 entities then the stored data would look similar to the example below:

    - my-input-1: 1,
      my-input-2: 2,
      my-input-3: "My text 1",
      id: 1
    - my-input-1: 3,
      my-input-2: 4,
      my-input-3: "My text 2",
      id: 2

Next steps

Display the stored inputs in an interactive table by following the Display stored inputs guide.


See the entity data store configuration docs for more information.