How to draw in the viewer

A how-to guide for drawing in the viewer.


Would you like to use user-defined geometries as inputs for your Grasshopper model? Then draw lines and polylines in the viewer by following these steps.


  • You configured the frames and routes for your solution.
  • You configured the relevant contents such as the model(s), control panel(s), viewer(s) and datastore.
  • You configured your viewer with AdvancedSettings and cameras.

1. Add editors to viewer

To draw and select lines and polylines in the viewer, configure editors. Editors can be used for drawing simple geometries (lines and polylines) and for selecting geometric objects.

  • In the viewer, define your editors.
  • There are 3 different types of editors:
    • For drawing lines, use kind: LineEditor.
    • For drawing polylines, use kind: PolylineEditor.
    • For selecting geometries, use kind: SelectEditor.
  • You can define whether the editor is enabled by default.
  • You can define whether multiple lines/polylines can be drawn with the multi property.
  • To hide/show the geometries with a button click, you can assign layers to the editors. Add applyProperties to your editor configuration to assign layers.

💡 You can define which editor should be enabled by default when no other editors are enabled with the defaultEditor property.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

  kind: Viewer
  defaultEditor: my-select-editor
      kind: PolylineEditor
      enabled: true
      multi: true
        layers: [1] # draws on layer 1
      kind: PolylineEditor
      enabled: false
      multi: true
        layers: [1] # draws on layer 1
      kind: SelectEditor
      multi: true
      layers: [1] # select on layer 1  

2. Subscribe model to viewer

To use the lines drawn in the viewer in your model:

  • Subscribe your Model to the Viewer.
  • Define frame and source.
  • Define which editors send lines/polylines to the model with the FromGroups property.

💡 The resulting model inputs are lines and polylines.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

  kind: Model
    - kind: ControlPanel
      frame: home-frame
      source: my-control-panel-1
      action: update
    - kind: Viewer
      frame: home-frame
      source: my-viewer
      action: update
      fromGroups: [my-editor-1]

💡 You can subscribe your Model to the ControlPanel to use parametric inputs with the drawn lines. Make sure you set the action to update or set based on your solution logic.

💡 You can subscribe multiple Models to the Viewer if you have multiple editors.

3. Use the lines in Grasshopper

To use the lines drawn in the viewer for your Grasshopper definition:

  • Add a Packhunt input component to the canvas and name it with the editor name.
  • Use the input for your Grasshopper logic as usual.
  • Output the resulting geometry and calculation results. For more information on inputs and outputs, see the guide for adding inputs guide.

See the image below as an example.

4. Subscribe viewer to model

To visualise the resulting geometry in the viewer:

  • Subscribe your Viewer to the Model.
  • Define frame and source.
  • Assign materials and optionally assign layers.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

  kind: Viewer
    - kind: Model
      frame: home-frame
      source: my-model
        my-geometry-output: my-material

5. Optionally add viewer buttons

One editor can be active at a time. If there are multiple editors, add viewer buttons to enable and disable them or to allow them to delete a line.

  • Under viewerControls, define which side of the viewer you’d like to see the buttons. The options are topRight and topLeft.
  • Define the orientation of the ButtonBar.
  • Add a button with kind: ToggleEditor for enabling/disabling editors.
  • Add a button with kind: DeleteSelected for deleting the selected line.
  • Add icons to the buttons.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

  kind: Viewer
      kind: ButtonBar
      orientation: horizontal
        - kind: ToggleEditor
          editor: my-editor-1
            kind: Icon
            icon: fas-city
        - kind: ToggleEditor
          editor: my-editor-2
            kind: Icon
            icon: fas-tree    
        - kind: DeleteSelected
            kind: Icon
            icon: fas-trash

6. Optionally configure mousebuttons

To draw, select, and delete lines, users need to interact with the viewer via different mouse clicks. The actions of the different mousebuttons can be configured in the viewer AdvancedSettings.

  • Under your camera controls, define mouseButtons behaviour.
  • Set the actions of the left, middle and right mouse buttons. The options are dolly, zoom, pan and null.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

      kind: OrthographicCamera
        maxAltitudeAngle: 90
        minAltitudeAngle: -90
          left: null
          middle: dolly
          right: rotate

See the image below as an example.


See the viewer configuration docs, model to viewer subscription configuration docs for more information.