How to add a navigation panel

A how-to guide for adding a navigation panel to your solution


Would you like to guide users through a series of frames? Then add a navigation panel to your solution by following these steps.


  • You configured the parent and children frames along with the routes for your solution.
  • You configured the relevant contents such as the model(s), control panel(s), viewer(s) and datastore.

1. Add a router outlet to the parent frame

  • To display different frames, configure a router outlet in the parent frame.
  • Define the location of the router outlet in the frame layout.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

    kind: Frame
      kind: ColumnLayout
      areas: [my-navigation, my-outlet]
      widths: [300px, auto]
        kind: RouterOutlet

2. Configure a navigation panel in the parent frame

  • Add a navigation panel to the parent frame with kind: NavPanel.
  • Define whether the navigation buttons are organised in a horizontal or vertical manner.
  • Define the type of the navigation buttons. It can be icon, number or button.
  • Configure the navigation items.
    • They can be NavIcon, NavNumber or NavButton.
    • Define the text on the buttons.
    • Define which frame the buttons display.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

    kind: NavPanel
    orientation: vertical
    type: button
      - kind: NavButton
        text: First frame
        frame: first
      - kind: NavButton
        text: Second frame
        frame: second

❗ Don’t forget define the location of the navigation panel in the frame layout.

3. Subscribe the navigation panel to the router outlet

To highlight the buttons in order to indicate the currently displayed frame, the navigation panel should subscribe to the router outlet.

The configuration should look similar to the example below:

    kind: NavPanel
    orientation: vertical
    type: button
      - kind: RouterOutlet
        frame: home-frame
        source: my-outlet
    items: ...

See the image below as an example.


See the navPanelConfig configuration docs for more information.