Step 1: Prerequisites
A tutorial on how to install the schema for Packhunt Workbench.
A tutorial on how to install the schema for Packhunt Workbench.
A how-to guide for adding parametric inputs to your solution
A how-to guide for downloading text based files from your solution.
With the Packhunt Workbench, you can configure advanced solutions with custom layouts. Follow the tutorials below to get started with Packhunt Workbench.
An object for configuring the login page of a solution.
Explanation on solutions.
The Solution
object is the top-level object for configuring a solution.
A how-to guide for using images as controls in the solution.
A tutorial on how to install the Packhunt CLI tool.
A how-to guide for applying materials and textures to your geometry.
How-to guides for creating your first Workbench solution.
How-to guides for customizing your solution’s user interface
Explanation of the Packhunt Workbench Fundamentals.
How-to guides for using Packhunt Workbench.
How-to guides for managing data in your solution.
A Router
object for configuring a set of routes.
A how-to guide for setting material colours of your geometry.
How-to guides for showing results in the control panel.
A how-to guide for uploading files in your solution.
How-to guides for visualizing geometry in the viewer.
A tutorial on how to log in to your Packhunt account.
Explanation on using blocks.
A how-to guide for displaying text outputs.
Tutorials for getting started with Packhunt Workbench.
A FontAwesomeIcon
object for configuring an icon from the FontAwesome library.
A Frame
object for configuring a generic container into which content blocks can be inserted.
The Layout
contains objects for configuring layouts of the user interface.
Explanation on using the router and frames.
A how-to guide for storing configuration inputs.
Explanation on using subscriptions.
A tutorial on how to create a solution with the Packhunt Workbench.
A how-to guide for adding titles and descriptions to your solution
The Blocks
folder contains “Block” objects that can can be added to the contents of a Frame
Documentation for the objects defined in the Packhunt configuration language schema.
A how-to guide for displaying stored configuration values.
Explanation on the layout.
A tutorial on how you can share your Workbench solution with others.
A how-to guide for adding bar charts to your solution
A how-to guide for creating custom layouts for your solution
Explanation on EntityDataStore and entities.
A how-to guide for filtering and searching table data.
Release notes for the configuration schema and CLI.
A how-to guide for adding legends to your solution.
Explanation on assets.
A how-to guide for adding n number of inputs in the user interface.
A how-to guide for sharing entity data between solutions.
A how-to guide for showing analysis results in your solution.
A tutorial on how to update the Packhunt CLI (optional).
A how-to guide for changing material colours in the solution.
A how-to guide for adding conditional controls to your solution
A how-to guide for storing nested data entities.
A how-to guide for displaying results in a table.
A how-to guide for hiding/unhiding geometries in the viewer
A how-to guide for displaying static geometries in the viewer.
A how-to guide for adding a navigation panel to your solution
A how-to guide for adding a pop-up.
A how-to guide for adding info buttons.
A how-to guide for creating multi-step controls.
A how-to guide for sketching in the viewer.
A how-to guide for switching images based on an output from a Grasshopper model.
A how-to guide for adding a decision tree.
A how-to guide for adding a map to your solution
Documentation for Packhunt Workbench
Various other objects for configuring solutions.
The Service
object is the top-level object for configuring a digital service.
A Button
block for configuring a button to be displayed in the user interface.
A Chart
block for configuring charts to be displayed in the user interface.
A ControlPanel
block for configuring a panel of elements to be displayed in the user interface.
A DataStore
block for configuring a store in which data can be saved.
A DownloadButton
block for configuring a button for downloading an asset.
A EntityDataStore
block for configuring a store in which a list of data entities can be saved.
An EntityTable
block for configuring a table of entities to be displayed in the user interface.
An Image
block for configuring an image to be displayed in the user interface.
A Legend
block for configuring a coloured legend to be displayed in the user interface.
A Map
block for configuring an interactive 2D map to be displayed in the user interface.
A Model
block for configuring a Grasshopper model.
A NavPanel
block for configuring a panel with navigation buttons to be displayed in the user interface.
A PopupOutlet
block for configuring a popup into which a frame can be inserted.
A RouterOutlet
block for configuring an outlet into which frames can be inserted.
A Text
block for configuring text to be displayed in the user interface.
A Viewer
block for configuring a geometry viewer to be displayed in the user interface.
A list of data types you can use with the Packhunt Workbench.
List of factors affecting the model speed on Packhunt.